[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Ken Cyr Internet Forever Free By Ken Cyr When I first started using the internet, I finally found freedom. Here was a medium that I could use to communicate to a global village that was without limitation and access to unlimited knowledge. To me, this is the ultimate freedom. There is so much information available on the internet it has made my life much more informed. Which I think is what scares people in power such as government and big business. Knowledge is power. Hence, we will see lobby groups who inadvertently contribute, whether or not their intensions are good, to censorship. Being Canadian, I live in a country that has freedom of speech, but with its own problems. Such as the province of Quebec wanting independence from the rest of Canada. But the Internet is a part of Canada too. I don't know alot about the censorship bill, but with the internet I am learning. I think the govenment is scared mostly because, they don't understand the Internet. The benefits of a wide open medium far out-weigh the downfalls. I can go to any corner store and get the same pornographic material I can get on the Internet. So why stop it. The Citizens of the Internet will not allow this to happen. I'm not living in the U.S.A. and yet this bill affects me. I will not stand for it. We must have freedom in this world and the internet must stay Forever Free. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]